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pdf DMA n°2-2020 ENG Popolari

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DMA n°2-2020 ENG

Inhabit contemporaneity

From Mornese and Valdocco, we gather the generative seeds of a Salesian charism that has enriched the past with creativity, that convokes the present to weave the history of salvation beginning from the call, ‘I entrust them to you’ and the Da mihi animas cetera tolle, consolidating the foundations for an open future, committed to give and re-give meaning to the new charismatic calls of contemporaneity.
Moved by the Salesian charism - gift of the Spirit to all humanity - we weave a wide network in favor of the life of the least, as a place of elaboration of shared meanings around the Gospel, making it alive, bearing new fruit, in the commitment to form communities that generate life in the heart of contemporaneity.

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