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Caricamento in corso...

pdf DMA n°4-2020 ENG Popolari

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DMA n°4-2020 ENG



In synodality

Concluding a cycle is always an opportunity to collect the lights that emerged on the roads traveled. It is being able to look at the past and grasp the present-future in the horizons of a new normal.
It is time to redefine the gaze, to bring out its communicative strength, its ability to capture what is beyond appearances to enter, with delicacy, the mystery of the other. The experience of the gaze demands reciprocity. The contemporary scenario invites us to re-grasp the path taken by broadening the gaze. And just as we were about to say goodbye to the theme of GCXXIII, we are urged to take it up again in its full relevance. How many vital experiences contained in this exercise of broadening the gaze!

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