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pdf DMA n°2-2021 ENG Popolari

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DMA n°2-2021 ENG

Generative in the heart of the world

Being in the heart of contemporaneity with the attitude of the risen with Christ urges us to look at reality from an evangelical perspective of Easter newness. May the complexity of the world in which we live be the path to an enlightened and synergistic understanding that highlights its multiple possibilities and positive energies, in order to capture the signs of new life in the midst of so many obscurities, challenges, contradictions, and perplexities to re-signify the reality in which we are immersed. The invitation to be generative implies an open mind and heart to promote a generativity that has an evangelical impact on the human, cultural, social, ecological, political, economic fabric. The witness that awaits us in this time, is to live the daring of the resurrection that breaks the chains of life, letting the beauty and richness of an authentic solidarity emerge that embraces the cause of the Kingdom of God.

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